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Cream & Mint

The retro pastel collection will bring a touch of nostalgia to your home. The soft colors of cream and mint are the perfect, subtle shades to complement any decor. The collection includes kettles, pots, mixers and other kitchen accessories. This collection is sure to bring a timeless charm to any home.


Red & Black

Retro products in black and red are timeless and at the same time modern elements of a collection of high-quality kitchen products. This collection includes a variety of products such as microwave, radio and tools and gadgets, all carefully crafted with an elegant finish. The black and red design adds a touch of sophistication to any kitchen, with it you can easily create a classic and stylish kitchen that is sure to impress.

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Recettes à base de potiron en vedette

Recettes à base de potiron en vedette

L'automne offre une multitude de couleurs, mais la plus importante est l'orange. Dans la cuisine automnale vintage, il est temps de se régaler avec des plats à base de poti...

5 recettes que vous préparerez dans la friteuse à air

Top 5 recipes for Vintage Cuisine Air Fryer

Air Fryer is a unique device that allows you to prepare a wide range of tasty and healthy dishes. It can be used to prepare not only fries but also desserts, pizzas, breads...

Indispensable pour le pique-nique

Picnic Essentials with Vintage Cuisine

Picnic Essentials - Use Kitchen Equipment and Prepare the Perfect Outdoor Getaway Picnics, sunny weather, and rising temperatures are just begging for an outdoor getaway. W...

Vintage Cuisine France
Vintage Cuisine France


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